Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Dispossession of destinies.

The bark stripped and scared from the talons in cantaloupe colored sky.
Strings of unmaintained yard grass corkscrews about as if playing in the gust.
A once painted fence hides from the world behind a wall of thorn covered vines. 
The moon at the heals of the horizon the beginning is another final performance.
Hare stashed within its shelter finds the sweet dew waiting just outside for him.
Flowers in bloom scent the air and make easy forgetting the hooks on the tree.
Whistles from clicks echo between the raspy bark from a neighbors dog.
Her feathers blend her well into the backdrop of the oak thats her favorite.
The long solo branch she hunts from hangs high enough to rule this pasture.
Stalking while baking in the mornings opportunities as they to continue to unfold.
She sits and prey's with out the fear of remorse but with a specific need to fulfill.
The spoil no more aware and the assassin no more wicked for intention or act.
Chance will come for them both and luck will favor only one; the other deprived.

 © Jeph Rants

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Once World.

You see I had to learn to be this way.
I once was a bastard and a whore.
A swindler with a wicked tongue.
With longing and passion for more.
Wrapped in armor as my cage.
Ever moving to follow no path at all.
I was an outlaw and a lover of life.
But my ways were waning quick.
Never the tale told to know a lady.
Or a item taken not truly earned.
My morals burning like embers within.
Needing only knowledge as its fuel
To let others in to breath into the flame.
Still perfection will ever elude my hand.
Only I now offer a smile at that jest.
I was once a scoundrel to the world.
Until I realized thats what I made it.

© Jeph Rants