Friday, January 16, 2015

Reflex in blue

I closed my lids and focused on where I needed to go.
They opened to find me in the oceans between waves.
Alone in the wide open with nothing but blue up and down.
No gravity pulling me towards the dirt far below my feet.
The air too thin to pull myself free from the brine I'm in.
My lungs filled with enough to hold me afloat upon tides.
A breaker comes to silence my calls for anyone to help.
The hollows fill with wet salt and my eyes burn closed.
My chest heaves as I sink again between the surging.
Ripples caused by a breeze push past my exposed parts.
It whispers to me that I should no longer fight the brink.
I do not try to inflate myself and watch the sky slip away.
Down I go with out a splash until only my fingers left.
Long and narrow my body slides beneath the surface.
Rainbows of color fill my sight as the prisms tend to do.
My gaze still towards the life above the deep I sink into.
Its becoming part of me and I am only but part of it now.
The light moves away, I feel convulsions, my body fights.
With a whisper I hear to come home and be at peace.
No need for struggle as my time lays in the sands below.

 © Jeph Rants

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