Monday, January 19, 2015

Stones of hearth

Smoldering embers sit low and hide beneath the ash of what was.
Winds blow the tops off them, they shows red, and cinders of blues.
I can melt steal and wipe the forest from the face of scorched earth.
Along comes a stranger and breathes life into my flames that rise.
Wipping and turning in the night sky, the dark brought to the light.
 No care for my sparks being pushed out and across the valleys.
They seek only the light and warmth that they know I can bring them.
Its too hard and too fast, I yearn for one to feed me in a tinder way.
The patients to let me go with them, seared into their flesh and mind.
Combustion of fuel, air, and desire; to dance in the shadows we make.

© Jeph Rants

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